Life isn't a merry-go-round, it's a roller coaster. Life won't always be smooth, it may not always be pretty, but it will be an adventure — one not to be missed.

-Robert Glover

Starting a small business

I've wanted to start my own business for a very long time. After decades building a truly impressive skillset in IT and Software Development, I've begun branching out on my own.

Life isn't a merry-go-round, it's a roller coaster. Life won't always be smooth, it may not always be pretty, but it will be an adventure — one not to be missed.

Until very recently I've lived my life suffering from the delusion that there's just really not enough money to go around. I believed that in order for me to make any amount of money in life I'd have to work for someone else. I believed that owning and operating a business required some sort of supernatural IQ, or a work ethic that was just unreachable by the likes of me.

Now, after plying my craft at half a dozen companies and watching how money is actually made in the market, I know I can do this for myself.

Ben Gray
Ben Gray

Owner of Code Less Traveled. Software Engineer, Outdoorsman, Advocate for Humanity.